Learn More about Wine: Wine Captain’s Course
For the past six months I have been religiously attending a weekly wine tasting at Whole Foods Market with wine educator and sommelier, Rob Stewart. Outside of this weekly tasting, which consists largely of tasting and talking about a global selection of exceptional wines from great vintages, Rob provides a high quality wine educational opportunity to the public and trade. This course, titled “Wine Captain’s Course”, has been offered by the Sommelier Wine and Food Society since 1976.
Over the past 2 years, I have purchased and read a number of wine books, used tasting and aroma kits, and most importantly, tasted…tasted, and tasted. These are the learning tools that work for me – not only to discern what is in the glass; but, where this all started, where it is headed, and where we are in the world of wine today. Needless to say, wine is a great hobby where something new and exciting awaits each vintage year – wouldn’t you agree?
This brings me back to the Wine Captain’s Course; I’m all about wine education and have heard many positive things about the Wine Captain’s Course from other wine enthusiasts in my weekly tasting session. Thus, I decided to enroll in the class myself. If you are curious about wine and want to learn more, I highly recommend this course. Rob is a great instructor who is very knowledgeable in the subject area. He is also full of fanciful food & wine recipes, and is very personable and engaging. So, what are some of the things you will learn you ask? You will learn the wine basics, the important wine producing regions in the world today, fundamentals of winemaking, how to speak the “wine” language, component tasting, aromas, as well as a number of advanced topics. There is a lot more, and rest assured, that after this class you will be able to talk the wine talk and not feel intimated or lost in a wine store or restaurant. Additionally, you will receive a comprehensive text book and taste 12 wines per class, most of which are sought after, hand-picked selections from excellent vintages. So who should attend? Wine lovers, new and old, those in and out the trade, hobbyists, enthusiasts, and I highly recommend this 9 week course to anyone working in a Virginia or Maryland tasting room. Class is every Monday from 7:30pm-9:30pm at L’Enfant Plaza Hotel in Washington D.C. and there are three sessions per year so you can always make up a class. I have been told that this is the best wine course for the buck and most comprehensive in the tri-state area of VA, MD, and DC. For more information regarding price and enrollment, send Rob Stewart an email at winehead@earthlink.net or call 703.685.7970.
Stay tuned friends ... More to come !!!
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