October is Virginia Wine Month!

Hello Friends,
In case you haven’t heard it through the grapevine yet, no pun intended, October is Virginia Wine Month! The sunny, cool, crisp days of October are the perfect time to spend a day or a weekend winery hopping on the Virginia Wine Trail. Did you know? Virginia has over 150 wineries, twelve wine trails, and was recently named one of the top five up-and-coming wine regions in the world – need I say more? If I do need to say more, I can. Combine relaxing atmosphere, beautiful scenery, and friendly people with limited production award-winning wine and you will enjoy a much needed respite this fall.
Celebrate Autumn on the Virginia Wine Trail

In celebration of Virginia Wine Month, your favorite producers will host and participate in a number of fun-filled local events and festivals. So take advantage of autumn’s stunning color spectrum of brown, red, yellow, and orange foliage as you meander along scenic routes through Virginia wine country. Below, I have attached a few links provided by the kind folks at the Virginia Tourism Corporation and the Virginia Wine Marketing Office to assist you in your planning. Get out and raise a toast to the Virginia 2009 harvest and have an exciting and safe time out there, friends. Send me an e-mail and let me know where you go and what you enjoyed.
HOT!!! (My personal pick ->) http://www.oldtownwinefestival.com/
Virginia Wine 48-Hour Guilt-Free getaways to wineries found here:
Virginia Wine Month:
Virginia Wine Travel:
As always, Happy Sipping!
Stay tuned friends ...more to come!
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